Since I was little, I have been a bookworm. I spent my entire childhood with my book in a nose. Middle school was whiled away in the public library. And I ate many a lunch in the reading room through high school. There is just something about turning those paper pages that makes my heart sing.
Unfortunately, it is easy for me to skip reading now a day. I always have the excuse of “too busy” or “I have nothing to read.” And then I end up scrolling aimless through Instagram reading plenty of captions and all the memes. Without ever picking up a book.
I made a reading list at the beginning of summer, and in early autumn of books I really wanted to devour over the season. And it made such a difference in me actually getting through a book! And what do you know, you guys loved that reading list, too!
Winter is coming (no, really.. Is it April yet, Game of Thrones?). And with the freezing cold upon us, we are spending a lot more time indoors. Instead of wasting time on social media, I am continuing my goal of reading a book, or two or three, each month over the coming season, and I would love if you join me in escaping for a few moments each day!
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2019 Winter Reading List
Wundersmith: The Calling of Morrigan Crow – This is the first book on my reading list. I will be actually be listening to this on Audible (Free Trial here!) . I listened to the first book in this series on audio, and was completely obsessed. If you liked Harry Potter, or anything to do with magic and fantasy, this one is for you.
Nine Perfect Strangers – I will probably listen to this book, as well! I’ve loved all the Lianne Moriarty books I have listened to, and I am sure this will be just as good. They start a little slow, but you are hooked and totally invested in no time.
One Day in December – This has been making the rounds over the internet and I just ordered it for my Kindle! Can’t wait for a little romance and intrigue. UPDATE – I binge read this over the weekend, and it is SO GOOD. I want to read it again, have it made into a movie, and fall in love over and over.
This Is How It Always Is – This is one that has very mixed reviews, but I will be giving is a go!
Every Breath – Nicholas Sparks… Need I say more? It has been a while since I have read any of his books, but I am looking forward to falling in love and getting my heart broken all in a few chapters.
The Alice Network – I’ve heard this period piece set in the 1940’s is incredible. Vibrant and exciting, I love a book that can transport you to another time.
Less – I feel like I should at least try to read a few more Pulitzer winners!
Educated, A Memoir – I had this book on my autumn reading list, but didn’t get to it. A repressed girl, who has never been allowed to go to school, finally gets go to school and is in for so many lessons beyond just the usual math and English.
Home Body – And of course, how could I leave out the beautiful Joanna Gaines. I might be in it for the few photos that are sprinkled throughout, but I’m also looking forward to hearing her story.
What is on your reading list for the next few weeks? Anything juicy you have finished recently?