I’ve been wanting to share a post like this for a while, as you guys seem to love when I post quotes like this in my Instagram stories. There are days where I am just feeling super low, or unmotivated and heading to my Inspiration Board over on Pinterest for a quick scroll is one of my favorite ways to get a little change in mindset.
All of these are designed to be saved to your phone, so you can share them on your own IG stories, use them as a lock screen or pin them to your own boards over on Pinterest. I wanted to share a few of my favorite quotes that are a mix of motivation and self love rolled into one.
Because we could all use a kick in the butt every now and then while reminding us we are fabulous!
To save from your phone, just hold the image and click save!
To save from your desktop, right click and save image, or just pin to your favorite board on Pinterest!