I mentioned on stories yesterday that I have been struggling with feeling so tired in the afternoons. Right around 2:30, when I should be getting ready for school pick up, I feel like I need a serious nap. You all came through to the max with your recommendations, and I figured it would be good to keep them all here on the blog for us to reference back.
- TAKE A WALK – I love this one, mainly because I have been doing it unconsciously! As soon as I am out the door and on my way to grab my oldest from school, I start to feel so much better. Maybe it is the fresh air, giving my eyes a break from the computer, or getting the blood flowing again. But whatever it is, it works! Most of you recommended just 15 minutes to reset your body, which could even be done at work by taking a short break!
- DRINK WATER – This was the second most suggested tip. I even had a few follow up DM’s telling me it was a great way to get more oxygen to your brain? I am not sure about the science behind that, but being dehydrated definitely makes you tired. So, drink up!
- PROTEIN FOR LUNCH – I’m not going to beat around the bush. I am terrible at making lunch for myself. I usually skip breakfast, and have some sort of “lunch” around 11:30. Mainly carbs! I’m going to put this to the test, and make sure to get some sort of protein in at lunch over the next few days to see how it plays into my energy.
- CUT THE CAFFEINE – Sadly, this just isn’t going to happen over here, but maybe it would help you! I stick to one cup of coffee in the morning, and won’t be giving it up any time soon! Alternatively, many of you said to just screw it and have an extra cup! You all are my people.
- B12 AND IRON – I have been taking a B12 supplement for a while, but have struggled with anemia in the past. Going to try to add in an iron supplement, since I may be lacking in that department. Both B12 and iron have a direct impact on your energy levels!
- TAKE A NAP – Seems obvious, right? But sometimes we just need a little extra sleep! a 15-20 minute power nap is the sweet spot to get your energy back up and going.
- EAT SOUR CANDY – Now, this one caught my attention! I had to do a little googling to make sure it was legit, but apparently, sour candy jump starts your senses and gets your brain activity going. Something to do with the sour taste being something your body wants to inherently avoid (sour milk, spoiled meat. etc). Keep a stash of sour patch kids in your pantry and pop three or four when you are feeling a little low.
Do you have any other ideas that aren’t on this list? I would love to hear any and all of your ideas before I make another cup of coffee!